Research Statistics
COVID-19 Impact Data
How is the coronavirus outbreak affecting sponsored research at Illinois relative to past years? See how proposal, award, and expenditure data compares to corresponding dates in each of the previous three years, specifically highlighting the time frame of the Illinois Stay-at-Home Order.
*Note: For internal users, you must be logged in to the campus VPN and provide your university netID and password to view data
Graphs the total yearly number of new and renewal proposals submitted by a given day, for each year 2017 - 2020(to-date).
Graphs the sum of newly awarded dollars (no modifications) for the year on a given day; for each year 2017 - 2020(to-date).
Graphs the total of all dollars awarded (including modifications) for the year on a given day; for each year 2017 - 2020(to-date).
Graphs the total dollar amount of grant expenditures for the year by a given day; for each year 2017 - 2020(to-date).
Basic Metrics By Fiscal Year and Sponsor Type
Expenditure Dollars
Summary of spending on sponsored programs, by fiscal year and major sponsor type.
Fiscal Year | Federal | State | Private | Other | Total |
2017 | 420,099,648 | 49,282,968 | 65,039,374 | 11,211,932 | 545,633,922 |
2018 | 413,370,930 | 35,137,764 | 70,149,658 | 14,104,429 | 532,762,781 |
2019 | 430,870,171 | 36,399,014 | 57,496,595 | 19,546,405 | 544,312,185 |
2020 | 476,267,546 | 27,435,327 | 73,727,376 | 12,336,776 | 589,767,025 |
2021 | 523,122,429 | 32,404,065 | 79,589,222 | 11,046,909 | 646,162,625 |
Expenditures Count
Count of sponsored programs active in the fiscal year, by major sponsor type.
Fiscal Year | Federal | State | Private | Other | Total |
2017 | 3,141 | 186 | 1,372 | 287 | 4,986 |
2018 | 3,067 | 147 | 1,229 | 285 | 4,728 |
2019 | 3,026 | 132 | 1,232 | 236 | 4,626 |
2020 | 2,949 | 145 | 1,279 | 204 | 4,577 |
2021 | 3,015 | 163 | 1,134 | 192 | 4,504 |
Budget Dollars Awarded
Summary of budget amounts awarded (authorized for spending), by fiscal year and major sponsor type.
Fiscal Year | Federal | State | Private | Other | Total |
2017 | 413,137,010 | 42,843,299 | 54,712,693 | 36,948,967 | 547,641,969 |
2018 | 421,143,261 | 33,346,434 | 67,804,006 | 9,179,291 | 531,472,992 |
2019 | 451,411,282 | 34,202,782 | 82,905,477 | 25,149,849 | 593,669,390 |
2020 | 572,692,542 | 42,483,173 | 110,018,279 | 5,252,009 | 730,446,003 |
2021 | 698,746,037 | 47,579,689 | 70,190,047 | 32,799,987 | 849,315,761 |
Count of Awards with Budget Changes
Count of sponsored programs receiving new or increased budget amounts in the fiscal year, by major sponsor type.
Fiscal Year | Federal | State | Private | Other | Total |
2016 | 2,220 | 116 | 841 | 259 | 3,436 |
2017 | 2,148 | 166 | 861 | 218 | 3,393 |
2018 | 2,048 | 127 | 817 | 227 | 3,219 |
2019 | 2,113 | 111 | 866 | 180 | 3,270 |
2020 | 2,078 | 117 | 817 | 195 | 3,207 |
2021 | 2,061 | 133 | 734 | 152 | 3,080 |
Proposals Submitted
Total number of new or renewal proposals submitted by SPA for the given fiscal year, by major sponsor type.
Fiscal Year | Federal | State | Private | Other | Total |
2017 | 1,703 | 173 | 1,197 | 620 | 3,693 |
2018 | 1,551 | 139 | 1,029 | 536 | 3,255 |
2019 | 1,269 | 151 | 987 | 491 | 2,898 |
2020 | 1,419 | 154 | 918 | 545 | 3,036 |
2021 | 1,323 | 153 | 918 | 628 | 3,022 |
Dollars Proposed
The total dollar amount of new or renewal proposals submitted by SPA for the given fiscal year, broken down by sponsor category.
Fiscal Year | Federal | State | Private | Other | Total |
2017 | 1,409,516,417 | 102,017,842 | 654,744,395 | 205,102,477 | 2,371,381,131 |
2018 | 1,384,559,075 | 81,062,239 | 219,064,273 | 150,191,153 | 1,834,876,740 |
2019 | 1,352,870,567 | 97,894,186 | 173,961,379 | 124,995,343 | 1,749,721,475 |
2020 | 1,631,004,563 | 107,557,205 | 293,681,297 | 207,061,735 | 2,239,304,801 |
2021 | 1,587,981,302 | 103,866,712 | 222,644,721 | 363,617,413 | 2,278,110,148 |